We at Libertarians For Kennedy are thrilled that Donald Trump will be addressing libertarians at the 2024 LP National Convention. We welcome the interest and emerging competition of ideas. The more Trump has an interest in the LP, the more he gets closer to the vital ideas of ‘The Austrian School of Economics’ we are trying to spread. The great Javier Milei was once utterly clueless regarding how the economy and thus the real world worked until he stumbled upon ‘The Austrians’. Milei mentions in his book ‘El camino del libertario’ (‘The Path of the Libertarian’) :“Everything I had been teaching for the last 20 years about market structures was wrong.” We have high hopes that RFK Jr. can also stumble upon ‘The Austrians’, realize that his economic policies and general understanding of the world is just as misguided (if not more) than Milei’s was, and like Milei change his mind and become a great beacon of the ideas needed to quickly bring about global socioeconomic prosperity via the proper understanding of freedom and a real clean and efficient Capitalism. One of my heroes, Max Eastman, was a leading American Socialist in the 1920s, so much so that he visited the Soviet Union, was a great friend of Trotsky and even translated some of his books to English. Yet Max stumbled upon Mises-Hayek and realized he had been wrong, changed his mind, and wrote the brilliantly condensed version of Hayek’s classic book ‘The Road To Serfdom’ which made freemarketeers out of Margaret Thatcher, Dr. Ron Paul and countless others.
Thus far Donald Trump has NEVER mentioned the names Mises or Hayek or Rothbard or anything that is ultimately grounded on the ‘Austrians’ thus he understandably has little clue how to really bring about socioeconomic prosperity which helps explain why his presidency was such a disaster as brilliantly captured by fellow freemarketeer David Stockman’s book ‘Trump’s War on Capitalism’. But as with Max, and Milei, and countless others, Trump can learn and change his mind and we welcome the opportunity to somehow help in that regard and are once again thrilled that he is taking an interest in interacting with fellow libertarians. We advise Donald Trump to NOT be an average totally clueless politician who has never read an economics book and can’t admit to having screwed things up. Trump has a golden opportunity to gain immense support by having the curiosity and class that Milei and Max had when they realized they had been wrong. Trump naively went along with the disastrous Fauci and his team of Soviet Union-like bureaucrats and led a Bolshevik-like revolution against the freedom of Americans via the support for idiotic lockdowns and vaccinations and other disastrous ideas. We hope Trump can admit this, finally surround himself with great economic advisors familiar with ‘the Austrians’, great people like Rand Paul and Thomas Massie, and really ‘Make America Great Again’.
We care about spreading the vital ideas of ‘The Austrians’. Thus, in the words of the great freedom and MMA fighter Renato ‘sound money’ Moicano:
“If you care about your…country, read Ludwig von Mises and the six lessons of the Austrian economic school.”
The same attempts to reach and educate the RFK Jr. campaign we are making via our videos such as this one, apply just as much to Donald Trump and likewise hope that our efforts to educate-Austrianize the RFK Jr. campaign can succeed with the Trump campaign.
Trump, RFK Jr., and each of us are not “this” or “that”, we change due to the ideas that enter our minds. Trump and his speechwriters-team will now think about Libertarians, what appeals to us, what are we about. Trump and RFK Jr. are very aware of the Milei phenomenon, their own political opportunism has them curious and we must make the best of this curiosity to spread our civilization-saving ideas. Many Libertarians who are thoroughly opposed to Trump ( and hopefully RFK Jr. as well) being speakers, are misguided thinkers stuck on their purity tests about who is “Principled” and remain oblivious to the need to help people overcome their economic ignorance which then leads to all the big-government violence-inefficiencies-immorality. Having Trump speak, and making clever marketing use of this opportunity could help us spread our ideas like never before, and, once again, we are thrilled by this wise move by the LP.