We think Nicole Shanahan is a great choice for RFK Jr.’s VP. At this moment she appears relatively uninformed or perhaps silent regarding how freedom and private sector competition is what leads to superior information and its spread, not well-intentioned technocrats in some competition-immune-coerced-government-monopoly, but this does not change one bit our Misesian strategy that ‘it is possible to convince the immense majority… It may be that this optimism is unfounded… But then there is no hope left for mankind’s future.

Nicole, like so many others in the RFK Jr. campaign has already shown immense courage, determination, intelligence, and intellectual curiosity to go against the grain and make a frontal assault against the ‘Priesthood of Scientism’ and the Fauci-Pope-Inquisitor. And just like she and many great folks at the RFK Jr. campaign managed to overcome medical myths and related ‘Priesthood of Scientism’, they can also overcome economic myths and related ‘big government central-planning-regulation central-banking-enabled priesthood’.

If RFK Jr. decides to obtain the LP candidacy, they have about 2 months to persuade fellow libertarians that they are a better choice than the competition. Let the freedom and competition that emerges from LP delegates be what decides things. Whether this occurs or not, this does not change our attempt to spread the ‘Austrian Econogospel’ among the great folks at the RFK Jr. campaign and hope others attempt a similar strategy within the Biden and Trump campaigns. We just continue being the ‘best friends of mankind’ we can be.

As Mises’ great student George Reisman tells us: “As should be increasingly clear, economics is a science which can make possible the construction of a social and political system in which human success is a feature of normal, everyday life everywhere. It is truly the humanitarian science, and only those who have studied it well and who are prepared to implement its teachings deserve to be called friends of mankind. The most important charity which true friends of mankind can pursue is to disseminate knowledge of this vital subject as widely and as deeply as they know how.”