Congratulations to Chase Oliver and Mike ter Maat for winning the 2024 Libertarian Party Presidential nomination. A special congratulations to Chairwoman Angela McArdle on winning her second term of office and giving us a convention to remember. 

While the nomination was contentious, Mr. Oliver is a proven public speaker, having participated in the televised debate as the Libertarian candidate for the 2022 US Senate contest in Georgia. Mr. Oliver earned the “spoiler” moniker receiving over 3% of the vote and causing the election to go to a run-off when the majority of voters rejected both the Democrat and Republican candidates. Mr. ter Maat is a veteran public servant, working as a PhD economist in the George HW Bush administration, a college professor and until recently as a South Florida police officer. Both have proven themselves to be great candidates.

We asked Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to be considered for the Libertarian Party nomination because he is the greatest protest candidate of 2024 with an opportunity to participate in the televised national debates and as a way to keep our party viable. Mr. Kennedy, a successful attorney with one of best track records standing up to the medical tyranny and censorship of the COVID-19 regime. His candidacy is also helped by Mr. Kennedy’s fame as the scion of the Kennedy political dynasty that includes the nephew of President John F. Kennedy, Jr. and the son of US Senator Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., both who were assassinated by the pro-war “Deep State.”

Mr. Kennedy’s running mate Nicole Shanahan is a young entrepreneur with significant resources. She is the future face of the medical freedom movement. Her speech that regrettably she did not have time at the Sunday convention to deliver embraced the philosophy of former US Congressman Ron Paul and evoked his courage as what we need in this election.

If the Chase-ter Maat campaign and the state affiliates agree, the rules allow to co-nominate Kennedy-Shanahan independent campaign and place Mr. Kennedy on the enough ballots to ensure his participation in the first Presidential debate with President Biden and former President Trump. State affiliates are not obligated to participate in this Grand Bargain to place the Kennedy-Shanahan campaign on their ballot. We as Libertarians alone do not have the resources to participate in the debates and in many cases cannot provide enough support for our candidates, but together we do.

This same idea applies to the ballot access of up to 22 states that need stronger presidential votes to retain ballot access. Those states should be allowed to consider placing the Kennedy-Shanahan campaign on their ballot to make their ballot access cut (1-3% generally).

Mr. Kennedy’s promise of freedom that he made to Libertarians at our convention needs to be said at the CNN debate and our party deserves this opportunity to remain viable. This is also how we win. It is not too late.

Yours in Liberty,

Libertarians for Kennedy


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